Sunday, April 4, 2010


Words hold a unique magic. Once whispered they hang heavy in the air as early morning fog draped above river banks and reach into recessed caves hiding in ancient bluffs. Some words hover longer and kiss the hearts of tender young saplings and budding spring flowers. Other words meander into shadowy corners and expose crystal dew kissed morning glories. They float as gossamers in the air and land on life’s fragility until they become distant memories. Words have power and soar into the sun dissipating long after impact is felt on the heart.

Words are as fleeting as nature’s images and share the seasons shaping who we are, changing what we become and even altering who we were destined to be. Words can hold shape in sticks and stones and we hold their magic. We place their power on our lips and share love. We offer comfort and healing and bring warmth to friends. We hurl words heated by summer storms and watch them burn into unsuspecting hearts. We freeze the blood of the innocent with words chiseled from blue white glacier fields formed during past heartaches.

Our words have movement and touch the one before impacting the many. They can land as sparkling fairy dust on ocean waters. They can erase pain or create suffering. Words are not simply spoken. They are felt as the sharp sting of thorns or as the soft fuzz on baby birds. They are felt in hearts and minds. They are felt as tears falling down weathered cheeks. Words are personified as lonely faces in a crowd.

Together we float on the gossamer until words shine on our hearts exposing the truth. Until we feel their power as a desert survivor tasting the lifesaving first droplet of water, we float in these silken threads. We remain delicately intertwined, until we find the courage to learn a new vocabulary in whispers. We test it within, transforming our hearts, until we find the spirit to share this new language. It is then; we discover that our magic gives us the strength to stand alone. We use the power to watch the fog lift and bask in glittering fields.


  1. I like the "words not spoken, but felt" idea. Very true.

  2. Words…what a thoughtful topic….although words are technically conveyed by vowels & consonants … for me…words are spelled with an unexpected smile…..a wink…..or a lingering eye contact or just a smile….. conveying a positive message..spoken from the heart…. Those are the most powerful “words” I can receive or speak.

  3. and so...we value those most who thoughtfully consider what they will that their words convey the meaning with out ambiguity. You must do a piece on listening...another art that is lost in the rush to respond before understanding.
    If you master bith sides oif that coin, you truly are a communicator, "Seek first to understand...then to be understood"

    Nicely done!

