Sunday, November 22, 2009


This time of year, it’s easy to slip on a cloak of thankfulness and wrap it tightly around our shoulders warding off cold from others. For a while, we forget their empty faces as the temperatures dip lower and the hint of snow and holiday excitement lingers in the air. Dinners, parties, football, hockey, shopping, catching up and slowing down consume the days, and calendars are full before the first turkey is placed on the platter.

We recite the list, which is honest and true, and are thankful for good health, families and friends, hot food and cold drinks. We are thankful for jobs, clothing and shelter. We are thankful for having so much when in reality, we need so little.

As the days pass, we head to homeless shelters and drop money in buckets outside grocery stores. We adopt angels, buy toys and pick up an extra coat to give to the poor. We do make a difference in the lives of others in meaningful ways, but some people remain who may not know the joy of thankfulness. These are the emotionally needy who have hearts of ice and may not be found where we first look. These with the broken spirits and minds may walk by our side each day.

And so this Holiday Season may we find the strength to share our cloaks of thankfulness and wrap love and provisions around the needy - whether living in shelters or at the office or in the house next door.


  1. I like this one a lot. Gratitude is an attitude...learned over time..not genitically imprinted at conception. We can choose to be grateful and nurture that feeling over time, learning from others as we grow.

    Happy T Day EPG

  2. Thoughtfulness is bred in us as we watch others or as we are taught by those we admire. This is the season for sharing with others.
